Introduction to Collections in VBA

Collections are groups of variables stored in one place. Although Collections might be confused with Arrays (check out our Array tutorial for more details), they offer unique features that make handling large amounts of data easier. This tutorial will help you decide when to use an Array or a Collection.

The main advantage of Collections over Arrays is their flexibility in handling data, such as dynamic resizing. For instance, if you have a collection of colored squares and want to remove one or add another, Collections simplify this process. However, unlike Arrays, you cannot directly modify a value within a Collection—you can only add or remove elements.

Key Benefits of Collections:

  • Effortless dynamic resizing.
  • Efficient data handling with unique identifiers (Keys), avoiding duplicates.
  • Ideal for grouping elements in a structured way.

Let’s explore how to work with Collections in VBA.

1. Declaring a Collection

Declaring a Collection in VBA is similar to declaring a variable. You define it with Dim and initialize it with Set.


Dim CollectionName As Collection
Set CollectionName = New Collection


Dim Square As Collection
Set Square = New Collection

2. Adding Elements to a Collection

To add elements to a Collection, use the .Add method. Each element is added with a consecutive index starting from 1. Optionally, you can assign a unique identifier (Key) to the element for easier lookup.

Basic Example:

Square.Add "Black"         'Index 1
Square.Add "Grey", "Favorite" 'Index 2 with Key "Favorite"
Square.Add "Green"         'Index 3

To add an element before a specific index or Key:

Square.Add "Red1", before:=2      'Before index 2
Square.Add "Red1", before:="Favorite" 'Before Key "Favorite"

You can also use loops to add multiple elements automatically:

Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Sheet1 'Sheet name
Set Square = New Collection

i = 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(ws.Cells(i, 1))
    Square.Add ws.Cells(i, 2)
    i = i + 1

3. Accessing Collection Elements

To retrieve the value of an element in the Collection, use its index or Key:

Example with index:

Debug.Print Square(2)

Example with Key:

Debug.Print Square("Favorite")

4. Removing Collection Elements

To remove an element, use the .Remove method with the index or Key of the element you want to delete.


Square.Remove 3 'Removes the element at index 3

You can use a loop if you need to remove multiple elements.

5. Iterating Through a Collection

There are several ways to loop through the elements of a Collection.

5.1 Using For-Next or Do-Loop

This method relies on the .Count property, which returns the number of elements in the Collection.

Example with For-Next:

For i = 1 To Square.Count
    Debug.Print Square(i)

Example with Do-Loop:

i = 1
Do While i <= Square.Count
    Debug.Print Square(i)
    i = i + 1

5.2 Using For Each

This approach iterates directly through each element without needing a counter, making it more efficient in many cases.


For Each Elem In Square
    Debug.Print Elem


Collections are a powerful tool for managing dynamic data in VBA, especially when you need to group elements with unique identifiers. Practice these concepts to take full advantage of their flexibility and efficiency.

Do you have questions or need help with a more specific example? Contact us for more information.

Introduction to Collections in VBA

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