Complete Guide to Variables in VBA: Learn to Declare and Use Them

What Are Variables in VBA and Why Are They Used?

Variables are fundamental elements in any programming language, including VBA. They allow you to store and manipulate data, such as numbers, text, and more complex structures. By declaring variables properly, you optimize memory usage and improve the execution speed of your code.

Real-Life Analogy: Imagine organizing a wardrobe. If you do it neatly, you can quickly find your clothes and make better use of the space. The same principle applies to variables in programming: by managing them correctly, you optimize their usage and capacity.

Proper variable management contributes to the organization and efficiency of code.

Proper variable management contributes to the organization and efficiency of code.

What Is Variable Declaration in VBA?

Variable declaration involves instructing the system to reserve a memory space according to the type of variable needed. Although it is not mandatory to declare variables in VBA, doing so prevents slowdowns in the program since VBA won’t have to determine the type of variable each time it encounters an undeclared one.

Types of Variables in VBA

Variables in VBA occupy different amounts of memory based on their type. Here are some common types of variables:

Variable Type Name in VBA Memory Size (bytes) Value Range Example
Boolean Boolean 2 True or False Answer = True
Integer Integer 2 -32,768 ↔ 32,767 Cant = 5
Double Precision Double 8 ±1.79769313486232 × 10^308 Pi = 3.14159265
Currency Currency 8 -922,337,203,685,477 ↔ 922,337,203,685,477 Amount = 5.5
String String 1 per character Any text Prod = “Car”
Variant Variant Varies Varies based on data type Total = Pi * Cant

VBA automatically assigns the Variant type to undeclared variables. It is advisable to declare the variable type to optimize memory usage and enhance performance.

Levels of Variables in VBA

In VBA, variables can be public (Public) or private (Private), depending on their accessibility level:

Variable Type Used in
Private A single procedure (routine or function) within the same module
Public All procedures across all modules

Private variables can have the same name in different procedures since they are not shared. In contrast, public variables maintain their value while the macro is running.

How to Declare a Variable in VBA?

To declare a variable, follow these steps:

  1. Open the VBA command editor (you can refer to our first tutorial on macros in Excel).
  2. Use the Dim statement to declare the variable.

Example of Declaration:

Dim pi As Double

In this case, we are reserving space for the variable pi, which will hold a double precision number.

Display the Result: To print the value, use MsgBox:


Tips for Using Variables in VBA

  • To require VBA to always declare variables, use Option Explicit at the beginning of any module. This helps you avoid declaration errors.
  • If you forget to declare a variable, VBA will highlight the error, making it easy to identify and correct.
  • Use the CTRL + Space combination to access a menu of declared variables when typing.

About Variable Names in VBA

Choose descriptive names for your variables, as this facilitates code understanding. Here are some rules to follow:

  • The first character must always be a letter.
  • VBA is case-insensitive; Var and var refer to the same variable.
  • Spaces and certain symbols are not allowed in names.
  • The maximum number of characters for a variable name is 255.

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Complete Guide to Variables in VBA: Learn to Declare and Use Them

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