Investment Return Analyzer: Analyze Project Profitability in Excel

The Investment Return Analyzer is an Excel tool designed to evaluate project profitability through cash flow analysis. It allows users to enter parameters, record revenues and expenses, and generate an automated financial report. This tool consists of:
  • Input Data Sheet: Where project details are entered.
  • Report Generation: A detailed financial analysis with key indicators and charts.

How to Use It?

Complete the following fields in the Input Data sheet:
  • Project name.
  • Number of periods to analyze (years or months).
  • Discount rate (used to calculate the Net Present Value).
  • Revenues and expenses.
Clicking the "Generate Report" button creates a new sheet with a detailed financial analysis, including:
  • Net Present Value (NPV): Measures whether a project is profitable by discounting future cash flows.
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The return rate at which NPV equals zero.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Indicates profitability as a percentage of the initial investment.
  • Payback Period: The time required to recover the initial investment.

🎥 Video Demonstration

Watch the following video to see how Investment Return Analyzer works in action: Download Investment Return Analyzer 🚀 Start optimizing your financial analysis today with Investment Return Analyzer. Want to know more? Contact us…

Invoice Generator: Create Automated Invoices in Excel with VBA

Welcome to Invoice Generator, a tool designed to simplify invoice management in Excel using VBA. With this template, you can generate personalized invoices, manage products, and store a sales history without the need for external databases. The tool includes the following features:
  • Dynamic and editable invoice template, ideal for small businesses and startups.
  • Database with available products.
  • Automatic recording of all generated invoices.
  • Add and remove products easily and quickly.
  • Generate invoices in Excel and .pdf format with a single click.

🎥 Demo Video

Watch the following video to see how Invoice Generator works in action: This tool is free, but if it has been useful to you, feel free to buy us a coffee! Coffee Download Invoice Generator 🚀 Start using Invoice Generator and simplify your invoice management in Excel today. Want to know more? Contact us…

How to Create and Customize a UserForm in VBA for Excel: A Complete Guide

A UserForm is an interface that allows for the organized and friendly display of information based on the user's needs. This way, the user avoids typing directly on worksheets or databases, which protects the information while simplifying data entry. UserForms are an excellent choice if your applications are programmed in Excel/VBA, as they can be tailored to user needs and are 100% customizable.
In this tutorial, we will develop a simple user interface that generates a greeting message based on the entered information.

1. How to Create a UserForm in VBA?

First, find the “Insert” option in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) toolbar, then select “UserForm.” The default form will be created in the workspace.
The property window for the form will appear at the bottom right of the VBE. This is where we can control the entire UserForm and its internal elements.

2. Internal Elements of the UserForm – Buttons, TextBox, ComboBox, and Others

These elements allow interaction between the UserForm and the user. To add them, after creating the form, you must display the toolbox using the "View" option in the VBE.
To add an element, simply select it from the toolbox and drag it to the UserForm. You can position and resize it as needed using your mouse. Later, you'll also see that you can adjust it through the properties of each element.Below is a list of the most commonly used elements when creating UserForms. All elements, without exception, can be configured or updated via programming code.

2.1. Image

This is a non-editable field, typically used to insert an image like a logo.

2.2. Label

This is a non-editable field, typically used to label or explain the function of another element within the UserForm.

2.3. TextBox

This is an editable element, used for data input. Any value entered via the TextBox will be recognized by VBA as a String. If you want it to be recognized as another type (number, date, etc.), you will need to convert the variable type. You can review the tutorial on variables for more information.

2.4. ComboBox

This element, also known as a drop-down, is used to house a list of options for the user to choose one from.

2.5. CheckBox

This is a boolean element (it takes True or False values) that can be modified by the user.

2.6. OptionButton

Similar to a CheckBox, this is another boolean element (it takes True or False values) that can be modified by the user.

2.7. CommandButton

This element is where actions to be executed in the program are assigned, such as running a macro, closing the UserForm, opening a file, and more.

3. Properties of the UserForm and Its Elements

UserForms and their elements have properties that can be modified directly through the properties window in VBA. Some of these properties are common to all elements, such as appearance-related properties (width, height, location), while others are specific to individual elements. Below is a list of properties based on the type of element.
Property Description Applies to:
(Name) The name of the element. Used to identify the element in VBA code. All elements
Back Color Background color All elements
Caption Title text UserForm, Label, CheckBox, OptionButton, CommandButton
Enabled Activation All elements
Font Text font UserForm, Label, TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, OptionButton, CommandButton
Height Element height All elements
Left Horizontal location All elements
Picture Image UserForm, Image, Label, CheckBox, OptionButton, CommandButton
Picture-SizeMode Image size adjustment UserForm, Image, CommandButton*
TextAlign Text alignment Label, TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, OptionButton
Top Vertical location All elements
Visible Visibility Image, Label, TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, OptionButton, CommandButton
With Width All elements
Word-Wrap Text wrapping Label, TextBox, CheckBox, OptionButton, CommandButton
(*) The equivalent property for the CommandButton is called Picture Position

4. Scripts and Programming Code to Control the UserForm

The most common VBA action you will perform with the UserForm is to assign an action to a button. The action could involve generating a message box, closing the form, or performing complex operations. Below is an example of code that executes an action based on the values entered by the user in the form. To assign an action to a button, right-click the button, then select the "View Code" option. The VBE editor will automatically open the code window for that button, and you can enter the script to be executed when the button is clicked. The following script takes the input from two TextBox elements and creates a greeting message for the user:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

  Dim greeting As String
  greeting = "Hello " & TextBox1.Value & " " & TextBox2.Value & "!"

  MsgBox greeting, vbInformation, "Greeting"
End Sub
When the button is clicked, the TextBox values will be concatenated to form the greeting, and the result will be shown in a message box. To close the UserForm, you can use the following script:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

  Unload Me
End Sub
This code will close the form when the button is clicked. The "Unload Me" instruction unloads the UserForm from memory.
Want to learn more? Contact us…

Introduction to Collections in VBA

Collections are groups of variables stored in one place. Although Collections might be confused with Arrays (check out our Array tutorial for more details), they offer unique features that make handling large amounts of data easier. This tutorial will help you decide when to use an Array or a Collection. The main advantage of Collections over Arrays is their flexibility in handling data, such as dynamic resizing. For instance, if you have a collection of colored squares and want to remove one or add another, Collections simplify this process. However, unlike Arrays, you cannot directly modify a value within a Collection—you can only add or remove elements.

Key Benefits of Collections:

  • Effortless dynamic resizing.
  • Efficient data handling with unique identifiers (Keys), avoiding duplicates.
  • Ideal for grouping elements in a structured way.
Let’s explore how to work with Collections in VBA.

1. Declaring a Collection

Declaring a Collection in VBA is similar to declaring a variable. You define it with Dim and initialize it with Set. Syntax:
Dim CollectionName As Collection
Set CollectionName = New Collection
Dim Square As Collection
Set Square = New Collection

2. Adding Elements to a Collection

To add elements to a Collection, use the .Add method. Each element is added with a consecutive index starting from 1. Optionally, you can assign a unique identifier (Key) to the element for easier lookup. Basic Example:
Square.Add "Black"         'Index 1
Square.Add "Grey", "Favorite" 'Index 2 with Key "Favorite"
Square.Add "Green"         'Index 3
To add an element before a specific index or Key:
Square.Add "Red1", before:=2      'Before index 2
Square.Add "Red1", before:="Favorite" 'Before Key "Favorite"
You can also use loops to add multiple elements automatically:
Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Sheet1 'Sheet name
Set Square = New Collection

i = 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(ws.Cells(i, 1))
    Square.Add ws.Cells(i, 2)
    i = i + 1

3. Accessing Collection Elements

To retrieve the value of an element in the Collection, use its index or Key: Example with index:
Debug.Print Square(2)
Example with Key:
Debug.Print Square("Favorite")

4. Removing Collection Elements

To remove an element, use the .Remove method with the index or Key of the element you want to delete. Example:
Square.Remove 3 'Removes the element at index 3
You can use a loop if you need to remove multiple elements.

5. Iterating Through a Collection

There are several ways to loop through the elements of a Collection.

5.1 Using For-Next or Do-Loop

This method relies on the .Count property, which returns the number of elements in the Collection. Example with For-Next:
For i = 1 To Square.Count
    Debug.Print Square(i)
Example with Do-Loop:
i = 1
Do While i <= Square.Count
    Debug.Print Square(i)
    i = i + 1

5.2 Using For Each

This approach iterates directly through each element without needing a counter, making it more efficient in many cases. Example:
For Each Elem In Square
    Debug.Print Elem


Collections are a powerful tool for managing dynamic data in VBA, especially when you need to group elements with unique identifiers. Practice these concepts to take full advantage of their flexibility and efficiency. Do you have questions or need help with a more specific example? Contact us for more information.

How to Find the Last Occupied Cell in a Row or Column in Excel with VBA

One of the most common tasks when working with spreadsheets in Excel and VBA is determining the last occupied cell in a row or column. This is especially useful when you need to efficiently input data, as identifying the last cell with data allows you to easily navigate to the first available cell to enter new values. This tutorial will guide you on how to find the last occupied cell in Excel using VBA, streamlining your workflow.
Figure 1. Last occupied cell.

How to Find the Last Occupied Cell with a Loop in VBA

One option for finding the last occupied cell is using a VBA loop. Although it's not the most efficient in terms of performance, this method allows you to loop through all the cells in a range (either a row or column) and check for empty cells. Below is an example of how to write to the first empty cell after identifying the last occupied row:
Sub getLastRow()
i = 1
     If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) = True Then Exit Do
     i = i + 1
lastRow = i - 1
Cells(lastRow + 1, 1) = "First available cell" 
End Sub
This code loops through column A and finds the last occupied row. Then, it writes to the first available cell right after the last row with data. You can also adapt this method to find the last occupied column in a specific row. Here's how you can do it:
Sub getLastColumn()
 j = 1
     If IsEmpty(Cells(1, j)) = True Then Exit Do
     j = j + 1
lastColumn = j - 1
Cells(1, lastColumn + 1) = "First available cell" 
End Sub

Quick Method: Find the Last Occupied Cell without a Loop

If you prefer a faster and more performance-efficient approach, we recommend using the method described below. This method is ideal for finding the last occupied cell in a specific column or specific row without the need to loop through all the cells. Here's how to do it: To find the last occupied row in a column, you can use the following code: Variable = Cells(Rows.Count, “Column Reference”).End(xlUp).Row This code will find the last occupied row in the specified column. Here's an example of how to implement it:
Sub getLastRow()
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Cells(lastRow + 1, 1) = "First available cell"
End Sub
Similarly, if you need to find the last occupied column in a specific row, you can use the following code: Variable = Cells(Row Index, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column This command returns the index of the last occupied column in the specified row. Here’s an example:
Sub getLastColumn()
lastColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Cells(1, lastColumn + 1) = "First available cell"
End Sub
This method is ideal for optimizing your VBA code in Excel and improving performance, especially when working with large spreadsheets.

Other Methods for Finding the Last Occupied Cell

There are several methods to find the last occupied cell in Excel using VBA. In addition to the methods mentioned above, here are two additional approaches that may be useful depending on the context:

Using UsedRange

The UsedRange object allows you to get the range of cells that are in use, which is useful when you need to quickly determine the area containing data without looping through all cells. Here’s how to find the last occupied row and column:
Sub getLastRowUsedRange()
    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    MsgBox "The last occupied row is: " & lastRow
End Sub
Sub getLastColumnUsedRange()
    Dim lastColumn As Long
    lastColumn = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    MsgBox "The last occupied column is: " & lastColumn
End Sub

Using Find

The Find method is a very fast option for finding the last occupied cell in a row or column. Use this technique if you prefer a precise and efficient search. Below is an example to find the last occupied row:
Sub getLastRowFind()
    Dim lastRow As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    lastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    On Error GoTo 0
    MsgBox "The last occupied row is: " & lastRow
End Sub
Similarly, you can use Find to find the last occupied column:
Sub getLastColumnFind()
    Dim lastColumn As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    lastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
    On Error GoTo 0
    MsgBox "The last occupied column is: " & lastColumn
End Sub
Want to learn more about boosting your productivity in Excel with VBA? Contact us!

How to Select Cells in VBA: A Complete Guide

In VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), selecting cells in Excel is one of the most common operations. Whether you want to select a specific cell, a range of cells, or move between cells in a loop, understanding how to reference cells in VBA is essential. Below, we show you how to do it efficiently and optimized for your Excel macros.

1. Selecting Cells by Direct Reference

The simplest way to select a cell in VBA is by referring to its address directly, just like you would in Excel. For example, if you want to select cell "E2", you would use the following code:


This method is ideal for simple selections, but if you need to handle dynamic cells or perform more complex selections, we recommend using more advanced methods.

2. Selecting Cells in Matrix Form

If you need to select cells more flexibly or perform operations on multiple cells, you can use the matrix form. This is especially useful when working with loops or more dynamic structures. In this case, you specify the row and column of the cell you want to select.

To do this, you can use the Cells function along with the reference to the worksheet. This is helpful when the rows and columns are variables and you don’t want to make a fixed reference like in the previous example.

Sheets("Sheet Name").Cells(Row, Column).Select

For example, if you want to select the cell in row 2 and column 5 (which corresponds to cell E2), the code would be:

Sheets("Sheet 1").Cells(2, 5).Select

This approach is useful when working with variable ranges or cases where the destination cell might change depending on certain conditions in your VBA code.

3. Using Loops to Select Cells Dynamically

When you need to select multiple cells dynamically, loops are extremely helpful. You can iterate through rows and columns using For or For Each loops, allowing you to perform actions on each cell without having to manually reference each one.

For example, if you want to select all cells in column "A" up to row 10, you can use a loop like this:

For i = 1 To 10
    Sheets("Sheet 1").Cells(i, 1).Select
Next i

This code will select each cell in column A (from A1 to A10) one by one. You can easily modify it to loop through other columns or cell ranges.

Using loops allows you to automate repetitive tasks efficiently, which is a great advantage when programming macros in Excel.

4. Additional Tips for Selecting Cells in VBA

Here are some additional tips for working with cells in VBA:

  • Avoid excessive use of .Select: While it's useful in some cases, it's better to avoid excessive use of the .Select function to optimize your macros' performance.
  • Always specify the worksheet: When working with multiple sheets, it's always recommended to specify the worksheet to avoid confusion or errors in cell selection.
  • Use the .Activate property with caution: While .Activate can be useful, it may affect the visibility of the selected cells. Use it only when necessary.

These tips can help you make your code more efficient and less prone to errors. If you want to learn more about VBA programming or need help with other Excel topics, check out our tutorials or contactus for personalized assistance.


How to Define and Use Arrays in VBA: A Complete Guide

An Array is a collection of items "packaged" into a single variable; in VBA and many other programming languages, Arrays are commonly used structures.

Defining an Array in VBA

The months of the year provide a good example. If we needed to store information for each month without using Arrays, we would need twelve (12) separate variables, one for each month. To simplify, we could create an array with 12 elements, one for each month. There are several ways to declare arrays in VBA:

Option 1 Dim Month(1 To 12) As Integer
Option 2 Dim Month(1,12)
Option 3 Dim Month(11)
Option 4 Option Base 1
Dim Month(12)

The first two options are the most intuitive: the first option creates an array with 12 elements, from element 1 to 12. The second option uses a matrix structure, which may feel familiar. You can also check out our tutorial on Loops in VBA, as well as tips and shortcuts for Selecting a Cell or Finding the Last Occupied Cell.

Arrays in VBA are similar to arrays in other programming languages where the default base is zero. Therefore, the array described in option 3 starts from 0 and goes up to 11, meaning it has 12 elements. However, to make the process more intuitive, VBA allows you to change the default base using the Option Base 1 statement, as shown in option 4. It is recommended to place the Option Base 1 declaration at the beginning of each module.

Array Sizing

Unlike variables, whose declaration is optional (you can read more about this in our Variables in VBA tutorial), the size of an array must be declared before storing any elements in it.

The examples shown so far are one-dimensional arrays, for simplicity. However, it’s important to note that Arrays can have up to 60 dimensions or more.

Let’s look at a three-dimensional example: if you want to store monthly working hours data for each employee based on their shift, a smart approach would be using an array. To size the array, we need to know the maximum values each variable could take. For months, the maximum value will be 12. The total number of employees depends on the company's workforce; here we assume a value of 10. Since each shift is 8 hours, the maximum number of shifts will be 3. The declaration would look like this:


Option Base 1
Dim Hours (12, 10, 3)

Since the base is 1, 12 represents the number of months, 10 represents the number of employees, and 3 represents the number of shifts.

Therefore, to store the information, you will need to fill in the corresponding spots for each month, employee, and shift. Here are some examples:

Example a): If “Employee #3” worked 125 hours in the second shift in July, the value assignment in the Array would be:

Hours(7, "Employee#3", 2) = 125

Example b): If “Employee #8” worked 150 hours in the first shift in April, the value assignment in the Array would be:

Hours(4, "Employee#8", 1) = 150

Example c): If “Employee #1” worked 200 hours in the third shift in December, the value assignment in the Array would be:

Hours(12, "Employee#1", 3) = 200

Extracting or Reading Data from the Array

Fortunately for us, VBA is very intuitive. To write a value from a specific element of an array to a cell or variable, simply refer to the array’s position, as shown in the following example for a three-dimensional array:

Example in a cell:

Range("A2") = Hours(7, "Employee#3", 2)

Example in a variable:

ResultHP = Hours(7, "Employee#3", 2)

With this approach, make sure that the elements you are referring to exist in the array, as VBA will show a dimensioning error if they don’t. To avoid such errors, you can use the Lbound and Ubound functions to find the lower and upper bounds of your array, respectively.

Dynamic Sizing of the Array

An advanced use of arrays refers to dynamic sizing. If we revisit the previous example, the number of employees might change over time.

To handle this, we must initialize the array as empty, and it is essential to assign its dimensions before storing any data in it using the Redim command, as shown below:

Option Base 1
Dim Hours() As Integer
Redim Hours(12, 10, 3)

The size values for redimensioning can be constants, as in the example above, or they can also be variables previously defined, as shown here:

Option Base 1
Dim Hours() As Integer
Nemp = 10
Redim Hours(12, Nemp, 3)

The Redim command can expand or reduce the array's size. However, keep in mind that it will delete any previously stored information in the array. To expand the array and preserve its data, use the Redim Preserve statement. Below is an example showing "empty spaces" added to the array, represented by the green-backgrounded elements.

Array Redimensioning Example

Here is a code example for resizing the number of employees in the illustrated example:

Option Base 1
Dim Hours(12, 10, 3) As Integer
Nemp = 12
ReDim Preserve Hours(12, Nemp, 3)

Remember that reducing the array's size will cause you to lose data for the elements that are "excluded" from the array. For instance, if we resize from a 3x3 array to a 2x2 array, we lose data from the white-background elements.

Array Redimensioning Loss of Data

As with the previous example, to preserve data for the elements in the blue-background areas, use the ReDim Preserve statement.

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Loops in VBA: Optimize Your Programming

This tutorial is essential for understanding how loops in VBA can simplify your tasks in Excel. Loops are fundamental in programming, and understanding their functionality will help you create more efficient programs.

What is a Loop in Programming?

A loop is the cyclical repetition of an activity, limited to a finite number of repetitions. A loop can be interrupted either by reaching the predetermined number of repetitions or by fulfilling a specific condition. For more information on conditionals, check out our tutorial on Conditionals in VBA.
Flow chart
Figure 1. Definition of a Loop in Programming.

Types of Loops in VBA

In VBA, there are two main structures for implementing loops: For / Next and Do / Loop. Each has unique characteristics that make it suitable for different situations. Below, we will explore both types with practical examples.

For Next Structure

The For Next structure allows you to perform a repetitive action from a starting number (NI) to an ending number (NF). Below is an example of how to structure a For loop:
NI NF Total Repetitions
1 10 10
10 19 10
81 91 10
The number of repetitions must be an integer. The For Next structure is declared as follows:
For Variable = NI To NF Step increment Loop declaration
Repetitive Activity Activity
Next Loop declaration

Example of the For Next Loop in VBA

Next, we will see how to find the last occupied cell in a range using a For Next loop:
Sub Tutorial5a_Loops()
For i = 1 To 10
  If Cells(i + 1, 1) = "" Then
    LastRow = i 
    Exit For
  End If
MsgBox ("Last Row: " & LastRow)
End Sub
In this code, the program checks if the cell is empty, and if so, it stops and displays the last occupied row.

Do Loop Structure

The Do Loop structure does not automatically increment the repetition variable. It offers three modes that allow for more flexible control:

Do Mode

This form allows you to declare the loop and specify the exit condition. It should be used carefully to avoid infinite loops.
Do Loop declaration
Repetitive Activity Activity
Variable=Variable+1 Control of repetition count
Loop Loop declaration

Example of the Do Loop in VBA

The following example shows how to find the last occupied row using a Do Loop:
Sub Tutorial5b_Loops()
i = 2
  If Cells(i, 1) = "" Then
    LastRow = i - 1
    Exit Do
  End If
  i = i + 1
MsgBox ("Last Row: " & LastRow)
End Sub

Do While Mode

This mode executes as long as a specified condition is met. Let’s see how to apply it:
Sub Tutorial5c_Loops()
i = 2
Do While Cells(i, 1) <> ""
  'Repetitive Activity
  i = i + 1
LastRow = i - 1
MsgBox ("Last Row: " & LastRow)
End Sub

Do Until Mode

This mode executes until a specified condition is met. Here’s an example:
Sub Tutorial5d_Loops()
i = 2
Do Until Cells(i, 1) = ""
  'Repetitive Activity
  i = i + 1
LastRow = i - 1
MsgBox ("Last Row: " & LastRow)
End Sub
As you can see, the loop executes until it finds the first empty cell.


With what you've learned in this tutorial, you'll be able to use loop structures in VBA with ease. It is advisable to avoid the Do mode due to the risk of infinite loops. Instead, opt for For Next, Do While, or Do Until for safer and more effective control. Want to know more? Contact us...

Using the If Conditional in VBA (If, ElseIf, Else, End If)

In this tutorial, we will explore the benefits of programming, one of which is the ability for the computer to "make decisions" using conditionals.

What is a Conditional?

A conditional is an evaluation made within the flow of information (one or more variables) that determines whether a specified condition is met. Based on the answer, different actions will be taken.

How to Write a Conditional in VBA?

To write a conditional (If in VBA), we need to evaluate a variable and give instructions on what to do if the condition is met. This evaluation is performed using the If command.

Example of If Conditional in VBA: Movie Tickets

Let's imagine we are creating a system for selling movie tickets, where the ticket price depends on the viewer's age. In this case, we define the following rules:
  • Children aged 12 or younger will receive a "Preferential" ticket.
  • Adults older than 12 will receive a "Regular" ticket.
To implement these rules in VBA, we will use an If conditional structure that evaluates the age entered in cell B2. If the age is less than or equal to 12, "Preferential" will be assigned to cell C2. Otherwise, "Regular" will be assigned. Here’s the corresponding code:

Sub AssignTicket()
    Dim age As Integer
    ' Read age from cell B2
    age = Range("B2").Value

    ' Evaluate the condition
    If age <= 12 Then
        Range("C2") = "Preferential" ' Ticket for children
        Range("C2") = "Regular" ' Ticket for adults
    End If
End Sub
In this example, if the user enters a value in cell B2 (e.g., 10), the system will evaluate the condition:
  • If 10 <= 12 is true, cell C2 will show "Preferential".
  • If the user enters 15, the system will evaluate 15 <= 12, which is false, and cell C2 will show "Regular".

Nested If Conditionals in VBA

Sometimes, it is necessary to evaluate a second condition after the first evaluation. This is called a "Nested Conditional". The structure will be similar to the following:

Example of Nested If Conditional in VBA

Continuing with the movie ticket example, we could add an additional evaluation. Suppose we want to offer "Preferential" tickets to senior citizens (aged 60 or older) as well. The code might look like this:

Sub AssignCompleteTicket()
    Dim age As Integer
    age = Range("B2").Value

    If age <= 12 Then Range("C2") = "Preferential" ' Ticket for children ElseIf age > 59 Then
        Range("C2") = "Preferential" ' Ticket for seniors
        Range("C2") = "Regular" ' Ticket for adults
    End If
End Sub

Using Or and And (Logical Operators) in VBA Conditionals

It is also possible to evaluate multiple conditions in a single conditional using the logical operators And and Or.

Examples of Using Or and And in VBA Conditionals

If we want to consider an age range for "Regular" tickets, we can use the And operator:

Sub AssignTicketWithOperators()
    Dim age As Integer
    age = Range("B2").Value

    If age > 12 And age < 60 Then
        Range("C2") = "Regular"
        Range("C2") = "Preferential"
    End If
End Sub
Similarly, using the Or operator, we can evaluate if a ticket is "Preferential" for anyone under 13 or over 59:

Sub AssignTicketWithOr()
    Dim age As Integer
    age = Range("B2").Value

    If age < 13 Or age > 59 Then
        Range("C2") = "Preferential"
        Range("C2") = "Regular"
    End If
End Sub


As you have seen, there are various ways to program decision-making instructions in VBA, and each method has its advantages. With practice, you will improve your ability to write more compact and error-free code. Want to know more? Contact us...

Complete Guide to Variables in VBA: Learn to Declare and Use Them

What Are Variables in VBA and Why Are They Used?

Variables are fundamental elements in any programming language, including VBA. They allow you to store and manipulate data, such as numbers, text, and more complex structures. By declaring variables properly, you optimize memory usage and improve the execution speed of your code. Real-Life Analogy: Imagine organizing a wardrobe. If you do it neatly, you can quickly find your clothes and make better use of the space. The same principle applies to variables in programming: by managing them correctly, you optimize their usage and capacity. Proper variable management contributes to the organization and efficiency of code. Proper variable management contributes to the organization and efficiency of code.

What Is Variable Declaration in VBA?

Variable declaration involves instructing the system to reserve a memory space according to the type of variable needed. Although it is not mandatory to declare variables in VBA, doing so prevents slowdowns in the program since VBA won't have to determine the type of variable each time it encounters an undeclared one.

Types of Variables in VBA

Variables in VBA occupy different amounts of memory based on their type. Here are some common types of variables:
Variable Type Name in VBA Memory Size (bytes) Value Range Example
Boolean Boolean 2 True or False Answer = True
Integer Integer 2 -32,768 ↔ 32,767 Cant = 5
Double Precision Double 8 ±1.79769313486232 × 10^308 Pi = 3.14159265
Currency Currency 8 -922,337,203,685,477 ↔ 922,337,203,685,477 Amount = 5.5
String String 1 per character Any text Prod = "Car"
Variant Variant Varies Varies based on data type Total = Pi * Cant
VBA automatically assigns the Variant type to undeclared variables. It is advisable to declare the variable type to optimize memory usage and enhance performance.

Levels of Variables in VBA

In VBA, variables can be public (Public) or private (Private), depending on their accessibility level:
Variable Type Used in
Private A single procedure (routine or function) within the same module
Public All procedures across all modules
Private variables can have the same name in different procedures since they are not shared. In contrast, public variables maintain their value while the macro is running.

How to Declare a Variable in VBA?

To declare a variable, follow these steps:
  1. Open the VBA command editor (you can refer to our first tutorial on macros in Excel).
  2. Use the Dim statement to declare the variable.
Example of Declaration:
Dim pi As Double
In this case, we are reserving space for the variable pi, which will hold a double precision number. Display the Result: To print the value, use MsgBox:

Tips for Using Variables in VBA

  • To require VBA to always declare variables, use Option Explicit at the beginning of any module. This helps you avoid declaration errors.
  • If you forget to declare a variable, VBA will highlight the error, making it easy to identify and correct.
  • Use the CTRL + Space combination to access a menu of declared variables when typing.

About Variable Names in VBA

Choose descriptive names for your variables, as this facilitates code understanding. Here are some rules to follow:
  • The first character must always be a letter.
  • VBA is case-insensitive; Var and var refer to the same variable.
  • Spaces and certain symbols are not allowed in names.
  • The maximum number of characters for a variable name is 255.
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